Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Alternate title: Dirty Little Secret(s)

Here are a few things you probably don’t know about me. Of course, these are things that I really should never admit. I am aware of that. So, I figured this was a safe space to confess. The three of you who read my blog are now sworn to secrecy. So here goes… The Meghan Greene tell all. TMZ will be all over this....

1. I started drinking coffee in college. By reheating my roommate’s when she had left for class. Gross. I know. But sometimes I still reheat coffee.

2. When I visit your house, there is a good chance that I am redecorating it in my head. Just trying to imagine if my couch would fit in your living room.

3. I applied eye shadow with my finger until grad school. There is nothing more that I can say about that. It was basically my last leap to womanhood. Oh the difference a brush makes.

4. For dinner last night, I had corn and a scone.

5. In 2006, I bought Nick Lachey’s cd. Even worse, I wrote it on my to-do list. Lea Marshall found that list. She occasionally threatens to out me. (Too late Lea, I just did it myself.)

6. I hate cleaning the bathtub. I mean, major hate.

7. Sometimes I go to movies by myself.

8. I once fractured my wrist playing kickball. Kickball, people.

9. I have a really good sense of direction. So good that I have, on occasion, pretended not to know where we were to protect a man's pride.

10. I have a girl crush on Eva Baxter. I want to be her.

I know, that is one juicy list. Remember, you signed a pact not to tell. Oh, you didn't? Whoops.


  1. I should soooooo practice #9! I'm with ya, and sometimes I just can't help but be directional. It's a gift, but maybe too humbling for other people. In all fairness, my new subdivision is my directional kryptonite.

  2. regarding #5... i actually HAVE the to-do list with that item written on the list. in my scrapbook. archivally stored. for eternity. and i want to be meghan green. or eva baxter. or katherine davis. she has made the top three list. lucky girl...

  3. Those are just 10 reasons why I love Meghan Green!

  4. I bought Josh a GPS for C-mas one year to make up for the times when I can't be in the car w/him... not all men are sensitive about their inferior sense of direction. You just gotta know your strengths and weaknesses and be cool with it. That said, good for you girl! It takes a strong woman (read: not me) to keep their mouth shut.

  5. O.M.G. (featuring

    I am so flattered Meghan. You are sweet and a little nutty.

    Hope Camp Greene is awesome. I'd love to see you next week! (please and thank you)
