Friday, May 8, 2009

We let her keep a Christmas sweater... but just ONE...

My mom is the world's best blog reader. It's true.

As demonstrated by this actual message left on my voicemail: "Meghan, It's Mom. Did you win monogrammed car mats from Nicole's blog? Call me!" (all said in about 5 seconds)

Nicole is a friend of mine from college. I had NO idea that my mom read her blog. (Apparently she is a big fan of Nicole's Recipe Wednesdays.)

More evidence:
An actual phone conversation:
Mom- Do you realize that you have like 12 followers?
Me- Sure
Mom- One of them looks like Barack Obama.
Me- [pause] um... Mom... it is a picture of Barack Obama.

Friends, be forewarned if she hasn't started reading your blog yet- it is only a matter of time. And since she will be getting to know you all, let me tell you all a bit about her...

She had a birthday this year that freaked her out a little. She claims that she feels old. But I don't think of her as old. She doesn't look it and she sure doesn't act it. (Well, with the exception of the occasional stiff joints :)) Some say that I look exactly like her. I'm not sure I see the resemblance...

She is an elementary school teacher who claims every year- This is my LAST year! But, without fail, year after year she goes back. I used to think that she went back because the thought of living without her Target flow was just too scary. But I know that she goes back because she is really good at what she does and she has the ability to make a difference in young lives every day. And she has certainly made a difference in mine. She is a perfectionist-which is why she edits my blog and tells me when I missed something. (I do realize that everyone I work with is thinking of my red pen... well, now you know where I get that from!)

She likes the beach, the country, gardening, orchids and our dog. Wait, she doesn't want anyone to know that she actually likes our bad, bad, bad dog. (But I know that she secretly does.) She makes excellent waffles. Whenever I bring friends home, they request them. (Although, I personally prefer her omelets-so good!) She is fun to shop with and lunch with and she gives good advice (even when she thinks she doesn't know what to say).

She experienced more major life events at a young age than I ever have. In a very very very short span of time she finished college, started her first year teaching, met my father, married my father, built a house with my father and did it all at the time that she lost her own mother.

My mom taught me to value friends. From watching her build and maintain relationships with the women in her life, I learned that there is great value and significance in surrounding yourself with quality friends. People who will support you, challenge you, celebrate with you and sorrow with you. Family is who you make it.

God sure knew what he was doing when he made you my mother (or me your daughter). That of course is not to suggest that I think there are times when God doesn't know what he is doing... That is just crazy talk.

Oh and Mom (since I KNOW you are reading), when you like to think of me as your "strong willed child", let me remind you that Emily was the one who had to sit in the car during church because she REFUSED to put on shoes...
Happy Mother's Day! I love you and I am better because of you.

Oh and....