Thursday, May 21, 2009

Make it stop...

I hear that confession is good for the soul. So, here goes...

I have a very destructive habit. It leaves me with feelings of anger, frustration, embarrassment and the strong desire to shake someone or something. Surely, that can't be good.

And while I am fully aware that the above is my typical response to my own indulgence, I just can't seem to stop. It is like that flipped car on the interstate, as much as I KNOW that I should focus ahead and keep driving, I cannot help but stare.

I have been suffering with this compulsive behavior for about a year now. (Ever since I moved back to the 'hassee.) There is a small part of me thinks that maybe others will change their behavior and then I won't have to. But for some unknown reason, I just cannot bring myself to stop reading the Tallahassee Democrat online. Where with every poorly written article there are even more disgraceful comments. And those comments indeed make me ashamed to be a part of this community.

But wait... there is a silver lining... I just learned that I am not alone. Liz (who will soon be my best friend) wrote a perfect commentary on this very matter. It was as if she took the thoughts out of my head. And since she is a MUCH better writer than I am, I thank her!

My hope is that the Democrat will one day remove the comment option. Please, I beg you. It makes our community look utterly ridiculous. Clearly people are unable to provide constructive comments that are relevant to the issues at hand.


  1. My good friend is a copy editor there... and there have been discussions to remove the comments option. There may be hope on the horizon.

    I agree... it's all racist filth or sheer ignorance.

  2. I can tell you from experience that and the tv station websites here aren't any better. It's always fun reading anonymous people's slanderous comments about your relatives they don't even know. I think the internet brings out the worst in people!

  3. I didn't know you had a blog (and you write well, I' ve enjoyed reading for longer than the dishes say I should have). Lea sent me here and I say we become superheroes fighting unbelievably dumb rude behavior. We can burst through peoples walls when they type tripe in their pajamas. I think there should be a costume involved, we'll have to think on that. You might look better in it than I will.

  4. So funny.. I was thinking the same thing about the comments when I read the article about Lea's house.

  5. THERE WILL BE COSTUMES?!!?!?!?!?!??!?! then i am in.....
