Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Well Done #1

I'll admit it. It really is no secret. My friends have blogged about it. My name has been mentioned. There is no denying....

I am SO over poor customer service. And that means you- Home Depot, ForNEVER 21 and Jerry's Artarama! (Yes, I have a bone to pick with a place called "Jerry's Artarama".) But you all deserve NO more of my time, thoughts, and energy. Although, I did enjoy creating a gang to fight against your customer service injustice. Thanks E-dub! (Don't worry... I still have my skull scarf waiting in the event that we need to move to action.)

Friends, it is official, I am going to focus my attention on the businesses who deserve it. Those that exude customer service excellence. They have earned my praise! So, prepare yourselves for a little series that I like to call "Well Done". Now my obvious first choice to highlight would be JCrew... in the store, online and on the phone... all EXCELLENT. But E-dub got that shout out covered- so on to the next...

Dear Publix,

Shopping in your store really is a pleasure. Your store is always clean and stocked with goodness. Your staff is always offering tasty treats for me to salivate over while I shop and I appreciate that, as I am a hungry gal. Your staff rushes to my aid when they see me struggling to reach the SmartWater. (p.s.- could you move it to a lower shelf?) They make my subs with such delight (even when I ask that they be cut in fourths- thank you Brandon! And for the record, he is the nicest deli guy EVER). When Brandon the cashier (not to be confused with Brandon the deli guy or the Brandon in the bakery- although all three are great) asks me how my day was... I really thinks that he wants to know. So, I tell him. And he has a nice smile. I think that he likes his job. (If there wasn't a line behind me, I would have asked.) Publix you are so good to your customers and I THANK you.

Lots of love,


P.S.-I also really like those $5 off of a $30 purchase coupons, so if you would be so kind as to drop some in the mail, that would be great!


  1. 1. I love your blog - too funny!

    2. As I am sure you know there are no Publix's in NC, therefore I am challanged everytime I leave this state and see the Publix sign and instead of saying "pu (sound I guess more like pa)-blix" I say "poo-blix". This is proceeded by laughing from Maclaren and me mentally wondering when I will ever be able to say that word right.

  2. I love Publix and you're blog cracks me up! I've had one for a while but haven't really been doing it...I'm starting now though!

    It's Brittany O...

  3. Oooh, Publix. Good one! I've got a commendation of my own coming soon.
    And for the record, all this time I've been picturing "Art-o-Rama." Thus, the creepy van jokes. (:

  4. It took me four posts to realize that your blog WASN'T titled "If I Only Had A Blog" - a la Wizard of Oz. Totally gave you more creative credit than I should've.
    Also, I think it's spelled EXUDE. Just sayin'... everyone has at least 1 hater :)
