Friday, April 17, 2009

Should I?

At the risk of losing 100% of my male readership, here goes...

Reasons why Thomas should be banned from reading my blog:

- He will catch EVERY single little typo or misspelling and CALL me out publicly. (Whatever happened to a courtesy e-mail?)

- He dissed the title of my blog. (If we had more face time, he would realize that whenever something funny happens, one of my taglines is... wait for it... "If only I had a blog!")

- He selfishly believes that my starting a blog was a birthday gift to HIM. Afraid not. The timing was just coincidental.

But since I am a compassionate, caring and beautiful woman and I know that he only puts others down to build himself up... I will not actually ban Thomas from reading my blog. Well, that and the fact that I am WAY too busy to monitor his excessive internet use. So, Thomas, Happy belated birthday!

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