Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The moment that you have been waiting for... or fearful of...

I now have a small forum to unleash some creative energy. A few have casually mentioned that I should have a blog. I would like to think that those suggestions came because my life is so fascinating and my perspective is so entertaining that everyone wants check in regularly to see what MG is up to... but who I am kidding? I am NO Lea Marshall. (Clearly, as you can see, I capitalize!) As this is my first ever blog entry (yes, I do realize that I am behind most of the world), I am feeling some pressure to make it a stellar entry. (hmm... maybe I should have given up high expectations for Lent.)

I may just settle for a simple introductory post. Why get all fancy and complicated? I seriously doubt that this little way for me to communicate with friends, family and random blog stalkers will result with much fanfare. I doubt that I will have a cult following like those ladies that talk about fashion, home decorating, or recipes. Not that I think less of those who spend their days scouring the internet looking for tips on perfecting meatloaf or decorating with damask and toile. These things just come naturally for me.... I do not need to read about it in some one's blog! I plan to discuss things of substance, things that really matter in this world... Like finding a hot pink gel pen, lying unclaimed in front of the elevator just waiting for me to come by, pick it up and give it a nice home in my ever so lovely green tote from Aldo. (Best purse purchase ever, btw.) Ladies and gentleman ('cause surely at least 1 man will read my blog), that is the sort of thing that matters! Well, that and Jesus.


  1. oh, i am so afraid.... and i will be checking it EVERYday!

  2. I'm a blogstalker, beware!

    also, my first word verification was nonshidi, which is only a letter or two off from non(insert shakespearean word here), which I think is a good sign for you blogging... it's non-shidi :-D
