Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Those darn life applications...

There is a lesson here somewhere....

I must first explain my absence (yet again)... My lovely Sony Vaio has again failed me. Rather, as I have recently learned, I failed it. I know, I know, I can access blogger via this crazy thing called the world wide web. BUT, there is just something about curling up with that lovely little computer in my lap that just makes blogging seem so very right.

So for a little story...

Mr. Geek Squad: Good Afternoon, How can I help you? Wait... have you been in here before? You look really familiar.

Me (in my head): No, I haven't been here. You just used the lamest pick up line in the book.
Me (in real life): No, but I need help!

Mr. GS: What's the problem? (I set my laptop on the counter.) Ooooh- It's so pretty. Did you get it here, I have never seen one like this?

Me: It may be pretty, but it sure doesn't work. And yes, I bought it here. Well, not this actual store...but another Best Buy. You get the point.

Mr. GS then tries his bag of tricks to get my lovely laptop to power on. You guessed it, nothing worked. At which point, he began fiddling with a piece that was moderately loose. So, here comes the shaming question... (much like the Sprint guy asking if your phone has water damage-- yes, dropping it in the toilet is classified as water damage-- but that is another story.)

Cue shaming.

Mr. GS: Did you drop it?

Me: Um...well... yeah...probably....I am moderately clumsy

Mr. GS: Well, it appears that the problem is somewhere between the connection and the motherboard. You will have to take it to Sony to have it repaired. And let's be real, that will cost you more than a laptop.

Me: no words. just sad face.

Mr. GS: (with really sad face) What a shame, this is a really pretty laptop.

Me: I know. I know.

So, as I was walking to my car with my very sad news, I couldn't help but think.... Something can be so pretty and alluring, that people are immediately attracted to it. But if it isn't living up to its potential, or purpose, it doesn't really do us much good.

Life application: I can spend all the time, money and effort in the world trying to look a certain way. But if I fail to sharpen my insides- my thoughts, my speech, my consideration, my sharing my heart , how much have I really contributed? Who is able to benefit from me then. Answer, not many. After all, charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting.

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