Friday, October 9, 2009

Why I haven't been blogging much....

Well, here is the thing. I have had lots of thoughts recently. Thoughts that were only partially blog worthy. You see, I haven't been able to put together all of the things the have been floating in my head this week. I firmly believe that this is all the direct result of a hair mishap that occurred on Saturday. As is the case with most of my hair mishaps, I typically shoulder a lot of the blame. And 9 times of 10 it is bang related. I have a really bad habit of KNOWING that I do not want my bangs cut. Yet, whenever they ask me in the salon, I say... Sure! Why not? Well friends, this was that 1 time that it was not bang related. It was all about the color. Results: shiny and super ridiculously blonde hair. I honestly think that I am dumber as a consequence.

Get your laughs out now. Ha. ha. funny. And yes, I have had the light off in my office all week. Don't judge.

But as much as I really don't like it. It is JUST hair. It really is so insignificant that I am pretty embarrassed over how much I have obsessed about it. And I am really embarrassed when I think about how it compares to the type of week that others around me have had. Yesterday, my dear friend Karyn was diagnosed with Stage 4 brain cancer. The news has hit her family and our community hard. And it whipped my petty little head into place with a much broader perspective. Karyn's diagnoses is huge and sudden and overwhelming. And really has sucked the wind out those who know her. But here is the even bigger piece, the God that loves us is SO much bigger than too blonde hair... and even SO much bigger than shocking a diagnosis.

Ever want a shift in perspective? Watch this....

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